Jasper Jhons

Jasper Jhons gallery arte portfolios JASPER JHONS Negli stessi mesi ho fotografato a lungo, a New York e nella Carolina, Jasper Johns. In una di queste fotografie lo si vede mentre dipinge le sue mappe, tenendo in mano una vera carta geografica degli Stati Uniti. Johns dipinge senza guardare la carta ma, data la mia […]
The Biennali, “la fotografia” Ugo Mulas, Einaudi 1973
biennali gallery THE BIENNALE My official activity as a photographer started with the Biennale di Venezia of 1954. At that time I did not have any practice and any art. I left from Milan with Mario Dondero without any precise reason other than the willingness to approach this world in a more intriguing way. For […]
Marcel Duchamp

Marcel Duchamp gallery art portfolios DUCHAMP e NEWMAN The photographs of Duchamp aim to be something more than just a series of more or less successful portraits. Rather, they are an attempt to render in visual form Duchamp’s mental approach to his own work – an approach that acquired material form in years of silence, […]
milano gallery AN ARCHIVE FOR MILAN While working on the relationship between the structure of the city and things and people, I thought about a work that I had been wanting to do for some time: it is a work about the city where I live, about Milan, a city that has already lost a […]
L’attesa, Lucio Fontana

Lucio Fontana gallery art portfolios (THE WAITING) L’ATTESA I was a friend of Lucio Fontana, as all of us were here in Milan; I was one of his many friends. Apart from A few assignments for various Venice Biennales, I always worked for him without his asking me to: when I wanted to see what […]